Saw is a wonderful example of todays visual effects and prosthetic make-up. it has bloody violence and gore that looks almost real. saw is all done in prosthetics and make up there is NO CGI (computer graphic imaging) used to make any of the blood, scars, torn limbs, and evil contraptions used in Jigsaw's game.


Brian said...

It is amazing how they are able to do that with all make up, because they make it look so realistic. The make-up just makes great artwork that shows off very realistic blood, making the movie as gruesome as it is.

Alex said...

I think the artists who apply this kind of makeup need to start getting awards. I have never been a fan of CGI effects in movies, it just makes stuff look corny. When I watch old school horror movies, the scenes just hit you so much harder when you can see that everything going on is tangible and wasn't added in some post effect editing room. One of the best was Tom Savini, who was renowned for his special effects and make-up work.

Anon said...

Some scenes in Saw are just physically disturbing. It also shows the disturbing direction all major movies are taking recently. Today's movies are pregnant full of special effects and computer animation. Sometimes the stories might be overrun by the overwhelming scenes. Most movies in the past required the story to be engaging to thrill the audience, a psychological thriller as opposed to today's physical thrillers.

Nick said...

That is really amazing how there able to do that with out computers. Just to have fake blood look so real is disturbing. Over only seen one saw and i do not plan to see other one just because how gross i thought it was.

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