the joker from the dark knight utilizes todays make-up design and technology to create the maniacal villain of batman we know and love. here is a video of a make-up tutorial on how to re-create the joker's look on yourself for any special occasion or Halloween bash:


John said...

All I can say is The Joker is the man, (Batman is better) but even this makeup tutorial is great for society, science and art. Science and technology basically cover the YouTube video tutorial which is very helpful, for the people that need it. The society part of it helps people that want to become The Joker, being The Joker in today’s society; especially the crazy one Heath Ledger played is awesome. He’s very popular, and society loves me. The Art is what really kicks in to production here; for one thing you’re going from a drawn cartoon character to a real human being, coming from that in it is a very artist move.

Kenn said...
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Kenn said...

Watching the tutorial of how to recreate the Joker's look took me back to when I was a child and what costumes were like in the 70's. Plastic masks with rubber bands and plastic/vinyl pull over’s for the body. To put it bluntly, those costumes sucked. They were uncomfortable and tore easily.

While I'm sure that these materials were available in the 70's they weren't widely available. Today we have wide access to the same types of materials that makeup artists do in Hollywood and with them can recreate the look of most any costume we want.

Matter of fact, I recall my grandmother dressing up as a bum for Halloween. She'd put a thin layer of honey on her face and sprinkle the honey with coffee grounds. This produced a fairly realistic 5 o'clock shadow. On that note, thank you for jarring loose memories that were locked away for quite some time.

William Vandegrift said...

Extremely informative for anyone interested in becoming this great character for Halloween or for just being really creepy. I can recall using Halloween makeup years ago when I was about 10 or 11 years old in order to make myself a ninja with some battle scars. The $3 make up package I used to attempt my look was nothing compared to the makeup in this video.

I don't know anything at all about makeup and it's advance in technology through the years but the application of makeup due to stylistic changes is quite obvious through the years up to present day. When I was 12 years old, girls my age looked 12 now with makeup usage in todays society, I see a lot of 12 year old girls who look more like 17 year olds. I wonder if in 20 years 7 year old girls will look 20 from makeup application.

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