Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bands of The 80's ~ ~ posted by: Holly Crohe

This record was introduced in 1986, It is Poison's "Look What The Cat Dragged In." As you can see from the cover, they wore more make-up than most women. It was very popular in the early 80's to middle 90's for rock groups to wear heaps of cosmetics. Some other artists include Twisted Sister, Motley Crue, Cinderella, Warrent, Ozzy Osbourne, and the very popular Kiss; however, Kiss painted their whole faces and still do.
During this era, it was socially excepted for men to wear make-up, if you were a musician in a rock n' roll band. It was unacceptible if you wore make-up because you wanted to secretly be a female.


Kay said...

Although, I am not a fan of heavy metal, I certainly remember the bands mentioned in this post, especially Kiss. The amount of time it must have taken the members of Kiss to put that make-up on every time they went on stage or any public appearance. I guess it was a phase that bands and music went through in order to look different from everybody else.

niles said...

seeing all the make up that heavy metal bands used to put on is way different compared to now. now no bands are getting dresses like drag queens. i recently saw twisted sister and they said this was their last tour that they are going to be dressed up. its funny seeing them being old and acting like their in their twenties.

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