In the future, makeup will not need to be used as much. With technological advances, makeup will not need to be worn. Today, there are people standing around touching up actors and actresses makeup in between shots. In the future this will be eliminated due to high computer graphics.

The film makers will be able to take the video footage and add more makeup where they wish. This will effect the characters that require a lot of makeup such as the blue character from The Xmen. It will be much more convenient for everyone involved. Applying makeup all over your body, is time consuming for the people applying and the actress who it is being applied to. It can take hours to apply makeup now.

This advance in technology will also have a negative impact on society, once again the loss of more jobs due to the computer programs.


James Godfrey said...

I liked your insight into this topic. It is already starting to happen now. The scientific and technological advances that are occurring are already making it possible for movie makers to apply makeup or anything else after the shot is completed.

In the case of the recent huge box office smash and biggest movie ever, Avatar, cameras were used that were able to change backgrounds and appearances while shooting. This created the same end result without ever having to spend all the time applying dramatic make up or weeks doing the computer graphics after the shots were completed.

Jessica Hill said...

Very interesting post, Holly. I agree with you, I think this is probably the way things will go in the future. We always hear actors complaining about spending hours and hours sitting in a make-up chair everyday during the filming of a move. As the technology continues to advance, we will be seeing more of these “touch ups” done after the movie is shot. It will be interesting to see how this affects the jobs of make-up and special effects artists. Will it put them out of work completely or maybe inspire them to use their creativity in other ways?

William Vandegrift said...

The "blue character" in X-Men is Mystique!!! Haha :) Anyway, I think you are certainly correct about computer photoshopping taking over the industry of makeup being put on actors. This would have been a great thing back in the 70s and 80s and some of the 90s when there were several actors going through absolute hell to be made up for their roles in the different Star Trek series. I have heard interviews with several of the actors who were involved with Star Trek and the biggest complaint they always had was that they required about 5 hours of time to get their makeup on for each day of filming. Being able to avoid that scenario would be great for all involved, except the makeup artists.

Kiel McGettigan said...

One of the problems with this is the fact that Photoshop takes more time then it does to apply makeup. It took 48 hours per frame of rendering to complete the movie Avatar. If it were possible to apply makeup most likely James Cameron would have added that to help aid in the shooting of his movie.

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